Did you intend for balance in your life?
The new year is already in full swing.
The first month is almost over.
Did you intend this year to get more balance in your life?
Years ago, I also participated.
Full of enthusiasm I took me in the new year for all.
Quit smoking;
Weight loss and weight;
Spend more time with my friends;
Several studies I wanted to follow;
More sports than I did.
More balance between work and home.
When I think back about it I laugh immensely.
It was a week or three good, then dropped it enormously.
On one way or another with failed.
First, I felt in the winter months, though not much.
The wet cold winter days after the busy holidays.
My winter often played tricks on, (when I did not already).
And my intentions were sometimes so large and much that it was almost impossible to keep going too. It must then played tricks and so, does not have to go far!
Why good intentions often do not work.
Often people want to change something because others do, or it comes from a certain uncertainty. Sometimes it is a bet or a competition.
Usually good intentions a repeat of what has often want but what is still unsuccessful. It is another attempt. And yes, people often want to change something because others do, or it comes from a certain uncertainty.
If you want to change something you can do so any day.
If you really want something you go there really works!
If you’re not on your own can you can always help with questions.
… and a good preparation is very important.
Personally, I started with a metabolic treatment each year, a detox my body, mind and soul. I touch my excess weight lost both my body and my brains are cleaned, improves metabolism and my body is stronger, which I think is a good start to the new year, especially in winter when there is less resistance.
This year I am doing this course of 44 days. I do this in groups because I think finer. Because there is so many through the detox release, including emotions and old pain, it’s nice to share this with each other. Together we are stronger!
Choose for a healthy lifestyle
Lose weight, quit smoking, eat healthier, more self-cooking, conscious eating …
These are frequently mentioned resolutions for the new year.
This is a beginning of working towards a healthy lifestyle.
Because when you work on your health than you function better;
you perform better;
you have more energy;
you feel more comfortable in your skin;
which radiate from then;
because people react;
you get compliments;
there often is an improvement in relations.
This ensures that you it keeps going.
And if you go over this change both you and the world around you.
Often these are beneficial to your social life, because when you feel good, feel more confident and happy and grateful, then also shows you that
what you project that you will get back.
How do you make sure you do this can last?
I call intends otherwise, I call it ‘working for a better balance in my life. ”
An intention is to do something to take. It is often vague and not well thought.
“It’s all about balance” in life, so I use this name much!
If your goals too high then it is not realistic, it is unlikely that you persevering.
If you want too much and also are perfectionists will cost you too much, this will also fail.
How can you sustain it?
Step 1.
Be realistic. What is your goal, how can you do this in small steps get done.
Step 2.
Put it on paper, make a schedule. Feel goal already, make it huge!
Step 3.
See what or who you need here. Just go faster, further along you come.
Step 4.
Start it, go ahead and do not stop.
Step 5.
Make a plan for if anything is not as you would like.
Leave a message on your phone that is addressed to you, so you can pep yourself if anything goes less!
If this is not enough, turn an auxiliary troop in which you can help.
Step 6.
Four any success, no matter how small. This gives you more confidence and also a kick to it go by.
I hope you now have some inspiration to work on your “balance in your life.”
If you want more inspiration read here my program.
Did you after reading these tips questions?
Whether you now have something like “yeah, so it went with me always, I somehow started but could not sustain it anyway.”
Whether you want now finally you change in your life, go to work and you do not really know how.
Please feel free to contact me so we can see together how we can bring more balance in your life.
Do you want your excess weight off and work for a healthy body and mind.
Click here for the program.
I wish you every success with the “balance in your life.”