The realization that I have no home soon !!!
All my stuff sold .. I make others happy with it, meanwhile I am very tired, the man with the hammer coming over!
I prefer the whole day in bed stay, can not, soon they come to my bank, this afternoon the shelves are picked up, must be behind a caravan, so action, the clothing mess room should be empty .. This week is full planned , happened a lot! There are many thoughts …
Other people celebrate holidays, abroad or days out,
I work my tail off and get tired and exhausted in my bed! Double thoughts and feelings though, cleared , regardless of Energetic drum detach stuff and matter grateful because I have people happy with flavor! Gosh what I have gathered much over the years, I scare myself with! Further pressure because I have so little time! My house is half empty, a kind of camp, only a bed, small furniture, stuff I use every day and some boxes. Practice Middelburg contrast again much richer!
Income from work are rare inside ,
Perhaps even organizing a couple dancing, sale of healing fragrances, foot massage and coaching sessions, spending I barely, the stock eat, raw food eating, the kilos fly off.
New people I meet, all excited when they hear my story, I get respect , they would themselves go abroad, but have the guts , are attached to work, family, kids and anxiety.
When I look around me, the problems in the Netherlands (and the world), the lamentations of many, the negative energy, so many sick people both physically and psychologically ….
And when I see that little has changed, I think, ‘I really want to live here? Again there were many thoughts in my mind.
Rotate in a crazy society of material and performance, tremendous pressure, an asocial society because no one has time and attention to each other, all for the outside!
No, I’m happy with my decision,
My courage, my power, follow from myself my path where I have a calm and loving life can lead to “real” people with the same vision I have and where I can with them to work from my heart, my dream will come true there! Now focusing on positive thoughts!
Following my heart, love I have encountered and are all set up something nice.
A holistic center building with a nice group of people, living on a mountain in Spain , rest, one with nature , life in a healthy way, from passion to work and full of joy and healthy aging. Life survive rather !!! I’m excited.
I will keep you informed of the activities that we organize as:
– Dance you into balance with Chakra Dance , also retreat week and weekends
– Retreats – (mid) week – weekend with activities such as:
* Tai chi – yoga
* Sweat
* Coaching and Therapy – diverse techniques as family constellations, Regression and Past Life, NLP, matrix caoching (by different people
* massage
* Healing
Furthermore individual sessions
Need more information about my method please contact me for a meeting.
The sessions can also online occur in Skype or telephone.