Healing lets you “Be” and life becomes more intense and easier.
A disturbance, or blockage, can cause problems on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
Causes can be:
- a breakup or loss of a loved one
- a traumatic event
- also an event such as loss of work or a move that has not been processed properly.
Healing is aimed at awareness and development towards wholeness and unity. A balance in all seven chakras, with physical healing as a possible result. The four elements, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual are always connected with each other.
Healing works deeply on: Physical – Emotional – Mental and Spiritual level.
Healing provides:
- balance with body, mind and soul
- awareness of your own energy and that of others
- become aware of your own behavior and the influence on others
- a good grounding and line up, as above, so below
- growth of consciousness
- growing towards unity,
- connection and love get clear on what’s really on your mind
- creating inner peace
- balancing the chakra system
- clearing your head,
- thinking becomes clearer and more creative provide insight into
- protecting yourself and releasing negative energy
- examining physical complaints and illnesses
- new insights deal with changes
- clearing limiting mental, emotional and spiritual patterns and picked up energy
- next step with regard to personal and spiritual development
- insight into (life) tasks and life in the here and now
Everything is energy; everything that is observable has its own frequency / vibration / resonance or shape. This is done through your senses such as hearing, feeling, seeing, tasting and smelling. Think of humans and animals, nature, our connections, touches, our food, the elements of water, fire, metal, wood, air and all the differences in this. Also your thoughts, feelings, knowing…everything has its own unique vibration. Everything is also connected to each other!
Healing works from the outside to the inside
From aura (energetic blockages) to the physical body (complaints and illnesses), where your soul is leading with regard to the pace and healing. You will experience unity and purity, the pure BEING of body, mind and soul. Your soul will experience life on earth more and more pure.
“Life becomes easier and more intense” is often said after the transformations.
Steps in personal and spiritual development, big or small, this is what you choose. Your soul determines what you can handle, knows where your desires lie, what you need and how you learn best. Your soul leads you on your way to wholeness.
Covid was cured quickly.
We got Corona.Alexandra was so sweet to give a healing to my husband and myself. My husband had a high fever and I had flu symptoms and a terrible cough and shortness of breath. Soon after the healing the fever dropped and I was able to sleep through the night again without many coughing fits. My husband was completely fine after two days. The healing helped a lot and was also very pleasant. And that at a great distance. Congratulations to Alexandra🌹 Karin van Hout
As a Healer I can feel your aura and your chakras and direct the energy into these fields. I tune in to your energy and together with my healing team I will remove your negative energy and release blockages. Your chakras are cleared and balanced one by one. In addition, I am clairsentient and as a transcendent medium I can feel your pains and receive messages that are of great importance to you. Read more about medium…
Healing after emergency hospitalization
In 2021 Alexandra gave me a healing session after emergency admission to the hospital. That was a huge relief. The pain in my chest had inexplicably disappeared. I felt good again and could sleep well. The pain has not returned. Kudos for that. Thank you very much Alexandra.
Karin H. (the Netherlands)
Healing lets you “BE”, by wanting to develop personally and spiritually.
During the session we tune to your theme from:
- to be present unconditionally with love
- clarity & connectedness
- direct experience of unity
I go into mediation and
- create an energetic healing field, which has a high vibration
- actively move your energy
- touch you sometimes where my hands go intuitively
- I am supported by my Mahatma healing teams and work with the chakra system
- can I contact the deceased and/or for answers to certain questions
(with distance healing I also touch you, you can feel that. It works just as powerful!) - I often use essential oil and special music
- as extra support Extra Faden or other gems can also be used, which absorb or help to open the negative energy and stuck emotions.
This gives me strength!
The healings she gives at a distance work very well and powerful. I didn’t believe in this at first, not at all!!! But it doesn’t help, I said to myself, it doesn’t hurt. Yet I have personally experienced its power: On a certain day when I felt listless, had no energy, was sad, I had let Alexandra know, asking can you help me. “I need help, I can’t do it.” She promised to do a remote healing that I didn’t know the time of, at some point during the day I felt better, had more energy and my mood had changed. A few hours after I started to feel better I got a message that she had done a healing for me. I was completely stunned by the power of a healing. Thank you for everything
Katy (Belgium)
After the healing I give additional explanation of things that I have received and I answer any questions.
Sometimes it is important to repeat the healing after a few days because a lot can come loose so that we can go even more in depth. You can also choose to further develop certain parts through coaching or what is needed around the blockages.
TIP: Healing is a nice addition to a Coach or Therapy session, both physically and online.
More information about the sessions.
A healing online or location. 
A big advantage of online healing, also known as distance healing, is that you can stay at home or at your location, which saves you time and you only pay for the time I need for the healing. You are often so relaxed after a healing that it is nice that you can stay in this flow and not have to leave the house.
Online sessions run through:
Sessions take place through:
- Chat
- Messenger
- Shone or Whatsapp
- skype or Zoom
I fully understand that questions arise before you actually sign up for a session. You can always email or call me. A non-binding introductory meeting is of course also possible.
If you want to experience an online healing, you can book a session here.
Click here for the rates or Read here more reviews
Love & Light
– Friends- or Family Day
– Teambuilding
– Workshop