I work from my heart! 
Alexandra means “protector.” I am proud of my name
because I learned about me, to protect myself to keep me standing in difficult times. I also guide clients, adults and children, to protect themselves. In 1968 I was born in Rotterdam, raised in the area of the famous Tulips, and after I became a mother I moved to Zeeland, and now I live and work in Spain and in summer I work on the beautiful island Schiermonnikoog in the Netherlands.
My dream and purpose
For me, every human being is unique and I believe that people can come back into balance if they know how to deal with what they feel, think and do. Past events always have an impact on the present, the point is that you learn how to deal with it.
My challenge is to look with you for your strength, so that you can begin to believe in yourself and your dreams,and that you are going to make it so much better that you feel comfortable with yourself, your surroundings and your situation.
If you constantly hear negative things in your youth, or going through, do you also believe that. The youth is very important, you get to do with injuries, you learn things, it is you, there are beliefs of the family and the family, all this has a lot of impact in the afterlife.
My childhood was extremely difficult. Because of my positive outlook, strength and my persistence I can deal with this in a very open way I’m aware that I’ve learned a lot of the situations. By allowing my vulnerability to be there and also to show to others, I am ENOUGH I have achieved a lot, I experience this as a great power.
After a relationship with many domestic violence I came in contact with regular aid workers. Unconsciously choose a partner that looks like your father, in this case my stepfather. The therapy made sure I got insights about the past, survival strategies that I had developed, behavior that originated there and tools how I could change this. Also I worked on 2 documentaries ‘Let op de kleintjes’ – ‘Watch the little ones’ to other women and children understand that in a violent situation. The films are used in various courses, institutions, and professionals who have to deal with domestic violence. However, I had the feeling that I was not ready yet.
The (often) unconscious beliefs and gender roles are getting copied behavior, even if passed, would you do it differently, you take the unconscious about. Often this goes from generation to generation, up to 7 generations back.
I went from surviving to truly living, learned to take my responsibility and go with the flow, the eb and flow of life. I am open and see what life brings me and to where and I am immensely grateful. Nothing happens without a reason. Through my open and honest attitude I can be very challenging so I come to the core of the problem . You can say I can peel of the layers that protect the sensitive part of a human’s soul.
I feel spheres and issues and will identify this and open up while others could not reach that part, I have a Unique gift of seeing right through a person very fast. I discover the truth in people, often before they even experience it themselves. I am strong and powerful and know that in combination with openess and vulnerability this can have a positive effect in the way I coach people.
My experiences and qualifications
My experiences I first learned from life itself, so I know how others feel and what they go through in certain situations. Understanding and empathy is needed to know what needs lay by another at that time and to build a relationship to work together to get truly somewhere and help other truly reveal their Unique power and gifts .
The courses Social Work, Social Education SPW 4 + Social Work / Educational aider I followed at the Hogeschool Zeeland: Great trainings where I learned a lot!
My knowledge and experience about me I have gained in both individual guidance and group work with children and adults in the ages ranging between 4 and 75 years. Often it came to learning and behavioral problems, psychiatric problems and physical limitations in both the Mental Health Care, Youth Services, Social care and protected housing. I am specialised coach for people with different pathologies, addictions, aggression and medicines. I decided to follow the training Poly Energetic Therapist at Vermeulen Education and Training in Amersfoort, because this more holistic method suits me better .
I myself went through a huge personal transformation while studying this course by dealing with some issues that were lying dormant around my soul which had not completely healed including my eating disorder, the theme of father and mother and relationships.
I also am an intuitive healer, Reiki master, Magnetiseur and Medium. Coaching, Therapy and Healing is a great combination, especially with the addition of the Healing fragrances, 100% pure essential oils and sprays. Because of this we are able to be making even more progress
Since 2014, I am Facilitator Chakracance™.
I love dancing, I know the healing force of it and am very excited to share the power of “Dance in Balance”. The combination of music and dance unravels any blocked energy, brings you energy, balances your chakras and makes you reach a deeper contact with your “Authentic Higher Self (I AM ‘.) You will be brought back in connection with the person you really are!
Meanwhile, I live and work more than two years in Spain (Costa Blanca) and in the summer months I work in Schiermonnikoog (NL).
I am creator of my own life and I am very thankful that I can guide people individually to come into balance in a VIP day. In one day, in a weekend, midweek or week on my beautiful place in Spain or the beautiful Schiermonnikoog where I organize retreats in groups.
I also have my flagship of coaching and those are online programs with individual coaching moments.
When you book you sessions you can be sure that everything is covered in beautiful programs; coaching, dance, healing and therapy, all that is needed at that moment and specially adapted to your personal needs.
Do you have any questions or are you interested in one of my programs, retreats or VIP day, feel free to contact us for the possibilities.