First of all, I wish you good luck, health, light, love, peace and abundance for 2017.
Lose weight , eat healthier, allow emotions and express, more enjoyable, less hard work, communicate better, let yourself literally see and hear better state your boundaries, open to love especially the love for yourself, stop smoking, drink less alcohol, less complaining, more sports, and so on …
Recognize some good intentions ? Do you have things you want to work on this year?
Of course, I myself have experience with good intentions. Like no other I know how hard it is when you’re somewhere started to keep this up too. Again and again there were obstacles in my path, there was always something that I fell. My experience is, therefore, you are a few steps up, you fall back once, and so the line does not slope upwards but with bumps and potholes. My 8th attempt was my ultimate victory that I won the cigarettes, now 9 years ago!
I am fallen, I ax also find some time to want to throw down, I saw it sometimes does not sit, I was unsure , preferred staying in my comfort zoneWas tired of all my efforts. People thought I was so strong, so confident, but deep inside I was not. I loved me strong, that was a dirty pit , so I had a few times overwrought hit. The convictions were strong, all unconsciously, and they were deeply
I used to much dancing , when it was an outlet for me free myself, me-time, dancing is always like a red thread passed through my life, music that me touches! Lovely.
I also sought help, I myself started working, various courses, reteats, coaches who have helped me. So I came to my mission, my inner strength I still can reach, push, drop goal and toward life, not do everything alone but together, asking for help.
My mission gives me power, bringing things into being, that gives me a good feeling.
I do now to help others do the same to people in different ways.
This you can !!! Vulnerability is a strength, which I obviously discovered.
It is scary, I know better than anyone.
Get up, go ahead, your ultimate goal keep in mind, strength within yourself, by yourself go in your Faith, come to yourself and stay is very important.
Wake up, go for it, let go of what no longer belongs to you and come home to your authentic self!
With this blog I would like to introduce you to dance in Balance with Chakra Dance and also I have an interesting offer for you perhaps can contribute to your good intentions, if you have at least this year.
In one way or another has disappeared from my blog site. The blog was about the various dance in Balance with Chakra Dance dance, the origins and what it brings.
Time to write a new blog about the different dances and highlight a retreat where you can now subscribe to.
In the previous blog I read more about the chakras themselves and Healing Scents that there is a good effect on. Did you then can not read it yet. I also made a list of key issues, see the image above. If you (yet) good intentions than you find there might be some things you can improve.
Click for a larger version of the Chakra overview
In March 2017 I organize the beautiful Schiermonnikoog the retreat ‘Dance with You in Balance Chakra Dance – the Awakening. Awake and literally come home to your authentic self, let go of what is no longer needed, feel the energy, be open to inspiration and ideas also make fun and find peace.
A weekend or midweek dance, meditation, reflection, connection and inner growth. A wonderful opportunity to experience your chakras’s too quietly, relax, enjoy, you connect with yourself and share with peers.
You may have questions about the different dances and Retreat
How does that actually, what is the difference in how music and the dancing?
On that I write this blog, you got to give information and let you know what this retreat does to you.
Below 9 different workshops where the retreat include consists of.
Each workshop consists of a meditation , a dance includes guided meditation, mandala art where you Mandala is further adding to the healing part, and we conclude with an integration meditation.
Dance in Balance with Chakra Dance is like a waking dream.
You dance the energy of your chakras, forget parts of yourself stand out to bid and let (painful) memories and blockages which are stored and may now be lovingly released. We are in a darkened room and dance with the eyes closed because this inner journey is. As a result you’ll have more to yourself and you can experience more freedom during the dance. Each dance makes his way to self-discovery and healing. It’s perfect for your physical and emotional well-being , your energy is in balance .
* Knowledge of the chakras is not necessary!
* You do not need any dance experience.
* It is not complicated movements or passes.
* In ‘Dance in Balance with Chakra Dance’ moves free!
Because I know what the retreat can mean for you and I’m not much in the Netherlands, I have an interesting offer ! In March I again 2 to 3 weeks Schiermonnikoog and then organize this amazing retreat.
In a small group we each make their own journey through the chakra system .
You may be present, sign up quickly because full = full.
As a reader of this blog and registration before February 1, you will get a discount of € 25, -.
Are you coming with his second and then you get a discount of € 25, -. The code for this is Schier2017
Dance in Balance with Chakra Dance retreat Schiermonnikoog .
Do you know anyone who might be interested, forward is also possible.
Would you really like to participate but do not manage during this period, this retreat I give Spain. I also give VIP intensive day (s) in which we one on one to work things you encounter. A combination of VIP Intensive + The Awakening is possible and can both Schier and Spain. Learn more or sign up, fill out the contact form in.
Read the experiences of those who came before you.
Below you can read the various dance / workshops.
Maybe I can meet you during a retreat weekend or midweek.
Namaste, Love & Light
THE AWAKENING “- awakening – the inner journey
The dance of the introduction to the seven chakras
You will learn and dance the seven chakras, from the base to the crown, the seven keys to freedom. This is the first dance of the ‘Awakening’, then dance we always another chakra during the retreat or during a weekly cycle. We conclude with an integration of all seven chakras!
Dance Instincts / Mother Earth / base chakra (1st)
Dance basic chakra is inspired by Tribal Dance , as found in the indigenous cultures of Africa, Australia and North America. These dances were coupled to the problems of either of them his roots, survival and grounding . In this dance, we emphasize movements of the legs and feet connect with the solid earth. Many dancers then give preference to dance around an old fireplace, which the primitive tribal movements come to life, they are inspired by the natural movements of the animal kingdom and thus created the creation of a dance that resembles dancing in a reflection of a animal – like way. In this wild and raw animal dance, the dancer can be recovered innate instinctual nature itself.
The dance of emotions and sensuality / (Sacral) Sacral Chakra (2nd) , the dance of the sacral chakra can be inspired by the female dancing in the Middle East, South America and Hawaii. Dances from this region celebrate many of the qualities associated with the sacrum including feelings, emotions and sexuality . This sacred dance can be slow and sensual and flirtatious and erotic, with flowing movements of the hips and abdomen. During this dance, the dancer can transform itself into a gypsy (in), a dancer, an ancient goddess, if he or she surrenders to the devilish movements of the female. In this sensual dance is the connecting power of Eros
called, penetrates her energy in our body.
Dance Force and Fire / Solar Plexus (3rd)
For the solar plexus chakra call we dance the dance of the warriors on the Maori warrior, ancient Morocco, Spain, Mexico and Brazil. This warrior dances are masculine, powerful, athletic and sporting
Because she Combat rhythmic art mimic. In this dance, the dancer in this dance with dynamic movements that are defined strong, focused and clear. In Chakra Dance ™ we dance fast dynamic movements, ignites the fire in our bellies and nourishes us dance with energy and vigor. There is reining place by this fiery energy. If the energy builds up, the movements may become more complex, even up to the insane increasing. This dynamic movement, inflames the solar energy, and creates the inner warrior, brave and strong!
The dance of love / heart chakra (4th)
The heart chakra dance is moving with lightness, joy and compassion, reflected in dances of old Spain, Egypt and China. Use many of these dances exaggerated arm movements to move gently into deep states of intoxication and cheerful harmony. Other dances symbolize balance as from China, where the movements represent the union of heaven and earth. In this dance we are inspired by these dances, and we move raised the arms, so we feel light and free. Inspired dance we in an upward journey of unconditional love, compassion and joy.
Dance Expression / Throat Chakra (5th)
dance Throat chakra inspired by many ancient dances. Many cultures interwoven voice and dance to raise awareness of the mind. The Greek word “Horos” refers to both dance and song is the origin of the word “choir”. In ancient Egypt danced artists often while reciting poetry while in Hawaii, singing chanting and dancing were mixed to communicate story . In Tibetan culture were Mystic rituals performed by Monks and formed the combination of singing and sound (gyaling horns, cymbals and bells) with fine body movements. In this dance we weave sound and movement in a dance-Mantra ‘which our self-expression and creativity intensifies.
Dance Intuition / Derdeoog Chakra 6th
The third eye chakra , we can elevate ourselves to ecstasy and altered states of consciousness through trance-dance. The practice of trance dance is extremely popular all over the world, and has its heritage in many of the ancient cultures of Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East and America. This practice is still common in the world, and existed in many of the ancient cultures of Southeast Asia, Africa, the Middle East and America. The third eye has no limits and in this dance, we have developed a way to get into the open space to move from the third eye chakra. The movements are often simple and repetitive. The heavenly eye dance is the dance of the intuitions. Each dancer is floating in his or her own visual universe of images, colors and insights, achieving a deep meditative state.
Dance Soul / Crown Chakra (7th)
The dance of the crown chakra is a devotional dance. So as cultures from all continents to embrace or some other kind of religious or spiritual dance. In ancient shamanic path, the dance was used to communicate with the spirits , while in ancient Egypt some ritual dances were created which were crucial to the success of religious rites. The Tantric Buddhists of Nepal have an old dance tradition known as charya Nritya, a Sanskrit term for ‘ dance as a spiritual discipline . In this dance we open the gateway to the soul through this meditative sacred dance. This is a dancing prayer: it is the dance of silence. Often, there will be little physical movement are visible to each observer. The dance is internal, because it’s soul dancing.
The dance of the seven Chakras Integration
The integration of the dance, the compound, the balance between and within each of the seven chakras.
All mandalas are discussed, there is much attention. Stop and think about your journey and your experience of your chakras. Experience integrating into the dance.
More information about the chakra dance can be found here. VIP Intensive ‘in balance with your authentic self’ here … both in UK and Spain
Need more information about Chakra Dance of about coaching, take a look at the site
Would you speak to me, please complete the contact form or call me at number 06-24909568 or 0034 647 939 635
you can also WhatsAp-send
It seems to work great to meet you and with you.