Chakradance is like “Coming Home”
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The role of the chakra system is to help regulate the human energy field, commonly known as the aura. The aura is a dynamic, energetic matrix, which includes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our being. Every human being has seven major chakras and each one influences an aspect of our lives. From our instincts, sexuality and personal power through to how we love, communicate, use our intuition and connect to our deepest source of spirituality. With Chakradance we rebalance the chakras and the system.
The Feeling of “Coming Home”
When you discover the power and the energy that resides within you, it is like coming home. Chakradance is a form of nourishment for your true self, for your soul. Blending free-flowing movements with particular frequencies of sound, Chakradance will free the energy in your body and open you to a deeper experience of life. It’s a practice of dynamic moving meditations.
In a darkened room, lit only by candle-light, we move to music created to resonate with the vibrations of each of our 7 major chakras. We dance with our eyes mainly closed, and our attention turned inwards, for unlike most other dance practices, Chakradance is about making a connection with our inner world – the world of our imagination, feelings, intuition and senses.
The experience is like a waking dream – we dance up forgotten parts of ourselves, and release the memories stored in our muscles. Our aches and pains reveal their stories and our hidden fears unmask themselves. The experiences are deeply personal and reflect our own nature and history, yet at the same time we tap into the collective heights and depths of human experience. We rebalance ourself.
Drawing on the wisdom of Jungian Psychology, Chakradance is a dance for healing and self-discovery. Each dance gives rise to different insights and feelings… and we use the creation of personal ‘mandala art’ as a way of anchoring our experiences back into our conscious world.
Each dance leads us closer to the person we are truly meant to be.
Come and explore. Have fun. Find meaning. Let go.
Come and look deeper into each chakra, each part of you, and experience more within the dance that is uniquely yours. Welcome to Dance in Balance with Chakradance.
Base Chakra
The first centre to explore on the Chakra map is the base chakra. The spontaneous movements that emerge while dancing the base chakra tend to draw inspiration from tribal dancing, as found in the indigenous cultures of Africa, Australia and North America. These tribal dances are linked to the issues of the base, including our roots, survival and grounding. In CHAKRADANCE, emphasised movements of the legs and feet connect us to the solid earth. Many envisage dancing around an ancient campfire, bringing the primitive tribal dance to life. These ancient cultures also had imitative dances, emulating the movements of animals. Again, we can draw inspiration from these roots and dance in an animal-like way. In this wild and raw animal dance, our innate instinctual self is reclaimed.
Sacral Chakra
The dance of the sacral chakra can be inspired by the feminine dances found in the Middle East, South America and Hawai. Dances from these regions celebrated many of the qualities associated with the sacral chakra, including feelings, emotions and sexuality. This sacral dance can be slow and sensual, or flirtatious and erotic, with fluid movements of the hips and lower belly. Throughout this dance one transforms into a gypsy, a belly dancer, an ancient goddess, as we surrender to the serpentine movements of the feminine.
Solar Plexus Chakra
To dance the solar plexus chakra is to call on the warrior dances of ancient Greece, Morocco, Spain, Mexico and Brazil. These warrior dances were masculine, powerful, athletic and virile, as they rhythmically mimicked the art of the fight. In CHAKRADANCE, we enter this dance with dramatic movements, strong, purposeful and clearly defined. As the energy builds, movements can become more complex, even frenzied. Through this dynamic movement, the solar energy ignites, and our inner warrior emerges.
Heart Chakra
Dancing the heart chakra is being moved to dance with joy and compassion. In ancient Egypt dances using exaggerated arm movements would gently whirl participants into deep states of joyful harmony. Dancing the heart chakra mirrors this. Also reflected are dances from China, in which mimetic movements expressed the union of heaven and earth, symbolised balance—one of the chief operating qualities of the heart chakra,. In CHAKRADANCE, we draw inspiration from these dances, and move the arms to feel uplifted, light and free. Inspired by the ancient ones, we dance a soaring journey of love, compassion and joy.
Throat Chakra
The dance of the throat chakra can be inspired by many ancient dances, where the voice and dance were woven together. In Ancient Egypt, performers often danced while reciting poetry, while in Hawaii, chant and dance were combined to communicate the story. In Tibetan culture, mystical rituals performed by monks would combine chanting and sound, with delicate movements of the body. In CHAKRADANCE, we weave sound and movement to intensify self-expression and creativity.
Third Eye Chakra
At the third eye chakra, we can lift up into ecstatic and altered states of consciousness through trance dance. This practice is still common throughout the world, and existed in many of the ancient cultures of South East Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and the Americas. There were numerous reasons, ritualistic and medicinal, for entering into trance. In CHAKRADANCE, trance dance is used to open the third eye chakra. Each dancer drifts into his or her own visual universe … images, colours, insights … the third eye has no boundaries.
Crown Chakra
The dance of the crown chakra is a devotional dance. Cultures from every continent have embraced some form of religious or spiritual dancing. In ancient Shamanic practice, dance was used to commune with the Spirits, whilst in Ancient Egypt there were certain ritual dances that were crucial to the successful outcome of religious rites. The Tantric Buddhists of Nepal have an ancient dance tradition known as Charya Nritya, a Sanskrit term meaning ‘dance as a spiritual discipline’. In CHAKRADANCE we open the gateway to the soul through a meditative sacred dance. This is the most paradoxical of dances: it is the dance of stillness. Often there will be little physical movement visible to any observer. The dance is internal, for now it is the soul that dances, dancing with the gods.
Harmony and Balance
Dancing through the ancient chakra system awakens not only our bodies and rebalance the chakras, but expands the mind, and calls out to the soul. The chakra system provides us with a model for integrating body, mind and spirit. This model encompasses the whole of human experience and provides an opportunity to find harmony and balance within our lives.
Carl Jung, the pioneer of analytical psychology, was one of the first westerners to draw inspiration from this model in relation to his work on what he called the ‘individuation process’, meaning the journey towards wholeness.
The chakra system forms an energetic ladder that bridges our material world with our spiritual world. We can use this ladder as a way of reaching higher realms of consciousness, and as we climb back down, we are able to integrate new levels of awareness into our daily lives. Working with the chakras through dance connects us to the core of our physical beings. Once this connection is achieved, other less tangible experiences of the mind and spirit can be contained, embodied and finally integrated.
What chakra of you has a rebalancing needed?
I looking forward to meet you in one of my classes or retreats.
If you book a 8 week cyclus or retreat you receive a lovely “Balance” Chakra bracelet.
If you have questions please contact me by the contact form
or call me Tel / WhatsApp +34 657 939 635
More information about Chakradance, the classes en retreats