The Sacral Chakra, the second of the Chakra System
This chakra is located about two inches below the navel.
It is associated with creativity, emotions, movement and productivity, freedom, femininity and sexuality.
Indeed, women make a new life on the energy of this chakra. When a woman’s menopause experience is the possibility finished to make a baby, but it opens up a new force to create in other ways.
I often see in post-menopausal women who start with extraordinary creative projects. That’s a great way to ensure that remains the energy of the sacral chakra in motion, whether it be art, start volunteering, or any number of inspired efforts at various levels.
Cycles and phases are part of what defines female.
Menopause presents the birth of the ‘wise woman’ phase of our lives, with ‘menopause’ is also referred to pre-menopause because medical science has come realize that for many women is a phase of 10 years or even more . For most of us, starting hormonal shifts around 40 years or even from 35 years or much later. And with this comes the energetic, psychological and spiritual shift that initiates us into our wise woman years.
Blocked energy can be released through deep breathing.
Yoga Chakra Dance and the stretching and balancing the chakras can help to make it flow better energy.
Releasing energy and suppressed emotions like anger, bitterness, regret, jealousy, envy, want to get revenge, apathy, etc. are not good for you and block you from receiving your true desires, for example, true love, wealth, abundance, prosperity, success, peace and happiness.
Creative energy, or kundalini rises in the spine in a natural way twice in a lifetime, once in adolescence and during menopause, and allows you to take shape.
As puberty is menopause a gradual transformation that requires an average of ten years to complete. So the creative energy means much more than that can only be expressed in ways of physical procreation and childbearing.
Do you need help with the menopause?
Come and experience the special workshops Chakra Dance, especially the Sacral Chakra and CELEBRATING NEW MOON.
I can give a healing, rebalance the cahkrasystem or “energy therapy”. The healing can also remotely!
I recommend also the great Healing Frequency, essential oil “Little Miss Transition” This can be ordered from me.
If you want more information or wish to submit books or a healing workshop you data via the contact form.
You can also call me at number T: + 34 657 939 635
Love & Light Alexandra L xxx
The Sacral Chakra & Menopause 
This is the second chakra, or energy center, located about two inches or so below the navel. It is associated with the emotions, creativity, reproduction, and one’s view of sexuality.
This is the creative center of the world. Indeed, women create new life in the energy of this chakra. When a woman experiences menopause, the ability to create a baby has ended, but there opens up a new power to create in other ways. I frequently see postmenopausal women taking on extraordinary creative projects. A great way to keep the energy of the sacral chakra is moving to keep creating, Whether through artwork, through volunteer service, or any number or inspired endeavors.
Cycles and phases are part of what the defines woman hood. More than any other earthly creature, our bodies run accordion thing to cycles and phases
Menopause represents our birth into the ‘wise woman’ phase of our life, Although when i say ‘menopause’ I really mean perimenopause too, Because as the medical community has come to Realize, the life transit That menopause represents is actually One That spans 10 years or more for many women. For most of us, hormonal shifts beginning in our early 40s or even mid to late 30s, Whether we notice them yet or not. And with this comes the energetic, psychological, and spiritual shifts That usher us into our wise woman years.
Stale / stuck energy can be released through deep breathing.
Give yoga, or Chakra Dance a try, or stretching and chakra balancing usefull to help remove stuck energy.
Release stuck energy and repressed emotions , eg anger, bitterness, regret, jealousy, envy, wanting to get revenge, apathy, etc. They are no good for your health and block you from receiving your true desires, eg true love, wealth, abundance , prosperity, success, peace, and happiness.
Creative energy, or kundalini , rises in the spine naturally twice in a lifetime once at adolescence, and again during menopause When creativity blossoms.
Like puberty, menopause is a gradual transformation That takes an average of at years to complete. The creative energy Involved becoming free to be overexpressed in ways other than physical reproduction and Childbearing.
Do you need help with the menopause?
Come and enjoy the special workshops or Chakra Dances, especially the sacral chakra and the CELEBRATING NEW MOON.
I also can give you a healing, rebalance the cahkrasystem or the “Energy treatment”. The healing is ook possible on distance.
I also can suggest the special essential oil from Holland, Miss Menopause.
You can order this by the website, telephone or e-mail.
If you like more information or book a session or workshop please contact me. You can also call me T: + 34 657 939 635
Love & Light Alexandra L xxx